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2011-10-15 20:15:18
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wiccaning index

Caution! Witch at Work! Pages May Appear Without Notice!

Merry meet, and welcome! If you are interested in the religion Wicca, or maybe just
someone looking into the art of Witchcraft, you're welcome here! I hope you can find what you're
looking for here. If you have any questions you're welcome to send them to me at any time, and
if I can't answer your question I will try to find someone who can. Thank you for visiting, again, and enjoy your stay!
Blessed be! -- [Bookwyrm]

Please do not distribute the content of this wiki or any pages associated
with this wiki without the express consent of the author(s).

This wiki won 1st place in the Best Wiki Award!


Grimoire The Seeker's Bill of Rights

The Wiccans The Wiccaning Banners

The Wiccaning Updates Something Witchy This Way Comes

Supported-Wiki Links

I will not tolerate liars, "playgans", or hateful people. This includes members. If you
cause trouble on my wiki, you will be reported and removed from the wiki. You have been forewarned.
Also, to forestall any potential arguments on the matter, Wicca is not the oldest religion
on the planet. It is entirely a New Age religion, created on the basis of witchcraft.
If you start that argument here, you will be re-educated.


[Disclaimer:] The purpose of this site is to give general information to the reader.
I, Elfpack, or any directly, or indirectly affiliated entity disclaim any liability to any person,
arising directly, or indirectly from the use of or from any errors or omissions in the information
within these pages and their links. The adoption and the application of any information
is at the discretion of the reader, and is their sole responsibility.

This wiki is a Safe Zone.

About the Author:
I am not a leading authority on Wicca, Witchcraft, the Mysteries, or anything at all really.
I am not a teacher of Wicca or Witchcraft. I am not a High Priestess. I am not all-knowing,
and I am not "always right". I am a young woman winding her way down her spiritual path.
A young woman who would like to share with others her experiences and information, in
hopes of learning of their experiences and information as well. I am a young woman searching
for others of like-minds and similar beliefs. I am a young woman who is dedicated, intelligent,
and devoutly spiritual in her own mind. I am searching for spiritual satisfaction and happiness.
I hope that this is enough for my members, friends, and family.


References & Sources

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2006-01-16 [Bran the Blessed]: awesome page babe

2006-01-16 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you honey ^-^ I've been looking up Handfasting rituals.

2006-01-16 [Bran the Blessed]: awesome how is it coming?

2006-01-16 [Bookwyrm]: Well at the moment not so well because I have a really bad headache. So I'm just sort of sticking to elf(town/pack).

2006-01-17 [Bran the Blessed]: at least your feelling better now

2006-01-17 [Bookwyrm]: Ish ^-^

2006-01-17 [Bran the Blessed]: yea

2006-01-23 [Bookwyrm]: IMPORTANT! I put the information that "Every Wiccan Should Know" and "The Lord and Lady" pages underneath the Grimoire to keep things more organized! Expect more of this to happen!! Love ya'll! Ciao!

2006-01-26 [The Darkest Star.]: Oooh, finally, a page about Wicca written by someone who knows what they are talking about! Hoo-rah. Excellent page!

2006-01-27 [Bookwyrm]: ::HUGE GRIN:: That is incredibly well appreciated! ::hugs you for being nice:: Thank you very much! ^-^

2006-01-27 [Bran the Blessed]: cool you got a compliment

2006-01-27 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah that's always good ^-^ Too bad I have no members >.<

2006-01-27 [Bran the Blessed]: they will come babe

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]: UPDATE! Okay, so we have three members including myself XD That's okay! I have about another nineteen pages to go and I will be pretty much finished, but then again I'll be continually adding things as I learn more. But for the most part, nineteen is my guestimate for the moment XD

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]:

Oh and to the "Wiccan" wiki I went and corrected, if I find that you have taken any of the information from this wiki and taken it for your own I will either delete it from your page or quite possibly report you. You may take it from a website if it was not written by me but you may not take it directly from this wiki. Thank you ^-^ Blessed be.

2006-01-31 [De'ladrei]: Me like :) if you don't want to put spells in the grimoire (understandable) you should maybe include maybe even some Sabbat rituals. I'm not sure though, I don't tend to put up things like that on my wikis either :)

2006-01-31 [De'ladrei]: Also if I find out it was the coven corner you "corrected" and if they so happen to steal anything, please, let me know, they already reported my friend because she noticed all their work was just copy and paste o.-

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]: I've put up a basic ritual per sabbat on the sabbat pages ^-^ I'll probably put up a few other rituals, and a basis for creating/writing your own spells but I will not put up my own's just too dangerous. And thank you very much for your compliments. ^-^ It means a lot. And trust me, I will XD I couldn't help but correct them.

2006-02-01 [De'ladrei]: Ah good stuff :) And heh yea, myself and another friend corrected them, then they changded it all back when they thought we had gone ¬_¬ but you are most welcome :)

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::snorts:: One person messaged me telling me that the girl was dyslexic and that I could fix it myself but not to embarrass her by telling her mistakes in front of everyone on the chat boards. I responded telling her that I meant the least amount of rudeness I could muster but the reason I spoke in front of everyone was simply because I wanted everyone to know that she was putting false information on her wiki.

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: And told her that it was okay that she was dyslexic and I didn't mean to offend that particular problem as I know people who are dyslexic, however that did not excuse her ignorance of the subject.

2006-02-01 [De'ladrei]: If she was dyslexic, theres a little thing my friends do, they type it out and then spell check it. And also yea, spelling errors cannot account for the ammount of *Faff* that was on that wiki.

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: Exactly. And dyslexia doesn't account for the lack of "space bar" uses. That's a sign of copy and paste >.< I learned that XD Because of course some of my wiki has copy and paste things on them as it would be pointless for me to type out something that's already been typed (such as the symbols for the Sabbats, although some of those were typed up by myself >.<) But if you copy and paste a few sentences usually there is no space between a period and the next word x_x

2006-02-01 [De'ladrei]: Yup, and if you are using it on an html basis, it leaves random letters in it >< its really annoying as I am trying to move my updated Playgans on ET onto my independent website, and I have ended up typing it out to stop this -_-

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: Ahah x_x What fun X_X Isn't the internet fun? XD

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: UPDATE! Yet again another update. I've added Basics of Forming a Coven and Candle Colours to the Grimoire, go check 'em out and tell me if there's anything you think I should add!!

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: UPDATE! Okay. I've been doing a fair bit of work today as you can see! ^-^ I've added another two pages to the wiki, although these are on the front page. What Wicca Is, and What Wicca Isn't, although they may not be entirely complete and may change over time...they are what I have now. I'll probably be adding at least one more page today. Not sure yet though. Thank you!

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: UPDATE! Yet another update. In case you haven't checked, the Yule Sabbat was finished a few days ago. I've added yet another two pages. Magickal Visualization has been added to the Grimoire, and Visualization Exercises is reachable from the visualization page. I hope you check this out, because I think it's the closest thing to spellworking I've got right now, and although it is unfinished, I've added it. Enjoy!

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: Mini-Update! Moon Lore has been moved to the Grimoire. It makes things a little more organized on the front page. Sorry for the bother ^-^

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: UPDATE! I know I know "again"...I've added the Self Dedication Ritual page, although there's nothing there yet as I'm really too tired to write anything profound. I've also added a Magickal Shielding page, and from there you can reach The Basic Protection Shield ritual...yes it is technically a spell however I felt the need to add it. It is a basis for you to grow on. I've also added the Grounding page, for those of us who do not know how to ground ourselves before and after spellworkings. Of course more pages will be coming soon, however I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Blessed be all, and please enjoy my wiki. Thank you for visiting! Gentle Breezes!

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: Oh and forgive me for all the updates...but of course I couldn't fit them all in one message and they all happened at different times. Goodnight and blessed be, loves. Until tomorrow, Ciao!

2006-02-02 [De'ladrei]: You should add an update section on the wiki itself o.O

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah I really should x_x but I was too tired last night and I figured no one would check it XD

2006-02-02 [De'ladrei]: Heheh yea well I'm stalk.....I mean watching the page now >.> :P

2006-02-02 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: That's a good thing. Because that means I have a stalker who's not a guy for once! XD I'll be getting back to work tonight though, I've a date tonight.

2006-02-02 [De'ladrei]: *points to her house* its actually one of my official titles :P *stalker* and have fun ^^

2006-02-03 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah, I noticed XD I've been there before. And I actually look at things other than pictures XD

2006-02-03 [Bran the Blessed]: yeah the date was fun.

2006-02-03 [Bookwyrm]: ::pokes Bran:: Shush. I will not tolerate your insolence! ::grins::

2006-02-03 [Bookwyrm]: Alright. I was planning on putting some more pages up today, but I have been busy all day as well as being excessively tired as I'm trying to get my body out of this nocturnal routine I've become accustomed to. I'll try and get some more work done tomorrow. Sorry for the delays. Goodnight loves, Ciao.

2006-02-04 [Bookwyrm]: Update: Alright. I don't know if I'll be putting up any more pages tonight so I'll go ahead and put this update up, I've put up two more pages About the Triquetra as well as About the Triskele. Nothing particularly "important" but interesting information. I'm a little tired right now so I haven't put anything up that's "life changing" ::chuckles:: Alright. More later Ciao!

2006-02-04 [Bookwyrm]: Update: Last one for the night. It took me about an hour longer than I meant ::frowns:: YOU GUYS OWE ME! ::chuckles:: Wiccan Terminology -- This is the newest page. It has a lot of terminology but it's worth your while. You don't have to read it but it is suggested if you'd like to learn all you can (and not look stupid in front of those who do know XP) Goodnight loves! Ciao!

2006-02-05 [Bookwyrm]: BIG UPDATE: ::pants, falling over her keyboard:: Alright people...I am exhausted and I'm not even close to being done with my newest additon - Wiccan Correspondances This is a HUGE page. There are links to fourteen (14) other pages. I've gotten Crystal Correspondances finished to the best of my ability right now. There are five links on that page to different Crystal Magick information (trust me...there will be more x_x). The other thirteen Correspondance pages are not finished...or even started so don't bother. I've worked really hard tonight and my elbow will probably be suffering from arthritis tomorrow so you guys better love me for all this work XD.

2006-02-05 [Bookwyrm]: And I'm off to bed for the night guys, I'm exhausted, it's 2AM and I think there are dishes in the sink for me to wash. I love you guys and I'll probably add more tomorrow. Blessed be, loves! Ciao!

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Update: I've finished Dream Correspondances. There are two links from that page as well as a Nightmare banishing ritual at the bottom. Colour Correspondances is finished, short and sweet I might add. Herbal Correspondances is basically what I'd call finished for the time being, although later I'm going to be adding an Herbal Encyclopedia to the Grimoire. That'll come after a while though because it will be incredibly log (but twice as useful for those with interest in herbal anything). There's a lot more work to be done, I've barely scratched the surface here. Bear with me people! Blessed be, loves! Ciao!

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Oh and I'll probably be adding an Update page (something I've been avoiding) But that won't prevent me from adding updates here. Simply be a way for me to keep track of what I do and when.

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Oh XD And if anyone ever wonders why hardly any of the pages are's not because I don't trust my members, it's because I don't trust the evil people on the internet that would wish to delete all my hard work...and although I could easily restore it back...I'd rather not have to go through all the if you see any spelling mistakes/grammatical errors/punctuation errors, etc. MESSAGE ME! Mwuahaha. Love you guys. Oh...and advertise -.- XD But not too much.

2006-02-08 [Bookwyrm]: Oh! ::points at her name:: Luff my motherly-witchyness and bow to me! ::chuckles:: Just kidding. But it fits me, I'm not a mother yet but I tend to treat my friends with a motherly attitude...sometimes it gets on their nerves XD Until they get upset and I let them get their salty fat tears all over me XD

2006-02-08 [Willow Rose]: Good wiki [Bookwyrm]... It's nice to know there's some real Wiccans/Pagans/Witches out there... :3

2006-02-09 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles and curtsies:: I thank you ^-^ I feel special now...::hugs self::

2006-02-09 [Willow Rose]: I'm proud to be a member of such wikis/groups. *nods*

2006-02-09 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Aww. ^-^ I'm glad ^-^

2006-02-09 [Pretty Pixie]: I love this wiki [Bookwyrm] it's great! ^-^

2006-02-10 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Thankee ^-^ I feel special!! ::hugs self:: XD

2006-02-10 [gothicangel]: hello

2006-02-10 [dark cleric]: Salutations and well meet Daughter of Diana

2006-02-10 [Bookwyrm]: Welcome welcome everyone ^-^

2006-02-10 [dark cleric]: *Smiles and hugs her as well*I The Son of Odin, the Druid watcher has come

2006-02-10 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles::

2006-02-10 [dark cleric]: *smiles and chuckles*

2006-02-11 [Pretty Pixie]: ^_^ Yays!

2006-02-11 [dark cleric]: *Bows to Pretty and kisses hand*Salutations Madame

2006-02-11 [Pretty Pixie]: Hello Cleric.

2006-02-12 [dark cleric]: Hello Pretty

2006-02-12 [Bookwyrm]: Mini-Update: If you can't see that The Silver Broomstick has been need glasses...or stronger one's at least XD It's not finished, or even started, but it'll get done. Promise ^-^ Ciao loves.

2006-02-13 [Bookwyrm]: Update: That's right. Another update. LOOK AT IT DAMNIT! Time f& Day Correspondances is finished!! ::dances:: As well as Elemental Correspondances, there are more links on Elemental Correspondances...a few at least...and you better visit them! I WORKED REAL HARD DAMNIT!

2006-02-13 [Bookwyrm]: Bow down to [Bookwyrm]! We have around 114 pages on this wiki now! (not all of them are complete but hell...give me time) Love me and despair!

2006-02-13 [Pretty Pixie]: *bows to [Bookwyrm]* Yays! Pages to read! ^_^

2006-02-13 [Bookwyrm]: XD You get a sticker...::hands [Pretty Pixie] a sticker::

2006-02-13 [Bookwyrm]: Hey there's an idea...stickers...hmmm....::walks off in a different direction mumbling to self::

2006-02-13 [Bookwyrm]: ::gasps!!:: What happened to the dividers?!?!!?!

2006-02-13 [Pretty Pixie]: I have no idea. Hey [Bookwyrm] how much do you know about runes? They're the new thing I am starting to study.

2006-02-13 [Willow Rose]: o.O Something's wrong with the dividers?

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: I don't know too much about runes. But I was planning on learning myself and adding a rune page. Well on my computer there is at least x_x I can't see the <*hr> (without the asterisk)

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: Damnit this page is too big XD

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: Wiccan Sabbats and Wiccan Esbats have been moved to the Grimoire. This front page is getting a bit too big for my taste XD

2006-02-14 [Willow Rose]: When I'm done with my wicca page can I link yours and could you maybe put a link to mine up?

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: Hmm...I'll think about'll have to let me see it first x_x damnit more competition x_x Oh I put up two new banners

2006-02-14 [Willow Rose]: It won't be done for a long time, so I might give up on it anyway. Too busy.

2006-02-14 [Willow Rose]: And great new banners. Did you take the picture of the forest path one? And the one on here?

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: XD As long as it isn't like the few other one's on here I'll probably support it...but if it's like some of the others...I'll just have to kill you XD

2006-02-14 [Willow Rose]: It's just going to be where like people can read about the religion and hopefully learn some things. It'll have different info on different things, basic stuff really. At first anyway. If there is even that. :\

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: XD I've got basics here. I haven't written a page on the pentacle/pentagram or anything yet but yeah. And that's what my wiki's about XD

2006-02-14 [Willow Rose]: Yeah, it'll probably have some of the same stuff, just put differently. :3

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well. I'm gone. Ciao!! Be back later.

2006-02-14 [dark cleric]: ...<.<...>.> I miss alot dont I

2006-02-14 [Bookwyrm]: Most people do ^-^ But it's okay.

2006-02-14 [Pretty Pixie]: I have a lot of notes on Runes and a book list is you'd like me to send anything to you.

2006-02-15 [dark cleric]: *smiles and pretty*You like runes, I know them all by heart I write in runic to frustrate my teachers, I know all of the charachters and I know as well how to read them

2006-02-15 [Pretty Pixie]: Really? YAY! ^_^ *hugs cleric* I just started learning them, and I was hoping for some help, if you wouldn't mind?

2006-02-15 [Bookwyrm]: Ah there's plenty of information on the internet. But thank you ^_^

2006-02-15 [dark cleric]: I dont mind i will help in anyway

2006-02-15 [Pretty Pixie]: Thank you [dark cleric]^_^

2006-02-16 [dark cleric]: you are welcome oh child of the earth

2006-02-17 [Pretty Pixie]: lol. ^_^

2006-02-18 [dark cleric]: *smiles and bows*Indeed

2006-02-18 [Bookwyrm]: Update: Started work on the Tool Correspondances. Finished the first page, but then found some more information on Crystals and added it to the Crystal Correspondances page...finished the Basic Stone Shapes. Pretty good information ^-^ Useful. I'll do more work tomorrow for sure. Getting a little tired now though. I swear...I'm GOING to add an update page.

2006-02-18 [Bookwyrm]: Update: HAH! Added an updates page!! The Wiccaning Updates GO THERE AND START WATCHING THAT PAGE OR PERISH! Luff me for adding the updates page!!

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: *hugs [Bookwyrm] for adding The Wiccaning Updates*

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: ^-^ Aww ^-^ I feel so special again XD

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: Yay! ^_^ I made you feel special I am happy now. (And I am serious you say that has made my day)

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: Awww ::hugs:: ^-^

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: ^_^ Yays! Happy!

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: ^-^

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: :D

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles::

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: What? Hey I have had to deal with my mother ALL day, when I would have prefered being at one of my friends sweet 16 party V.V but I had to clean and get yelled at all day by the wicked witch known by the name of mom..... *sigh*

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: -.- I understand -.-

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: Yea, not many people I know don't...

2006-02-19 [Pretty Pixie]: Well I must be going for the night, I have to sleep.... well kinda.... I have to do homework and figure out things. Fun...

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: Goodnight ^-^ And good fortune ^-^

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: Hey everyone. This isn't really an update, but I want everyone to read it. I will not be making any major updates for a while, any unfinished pages are probably going to stay that way. It's not that I'm too busy, don't believe that. The problem is that I need some time off to practice the Craft. Most of the things held within these 121 pages I haven't practiced and/or experienced and I believe that I should better know what I'm talking about before I really start helping people. I love you guys and I want you to know that I'm doing this partially for you...but mostly for me. I know I'm being selfish but I have to be right now so I can learn more and feel more comfortable

2006-02-19 [Bookwyrm]: with my writings. I won't completely stop updating the page and I'll still be here for answering comments but I just need some time to gather my knowledge and organize it, set it out and use it. Besides, you all need time to read through all this information as well. I may put up a guide written partially by myself and partially by a second party about "how to become a Wiccan" basically. It talks about the things you really should do before making any commitments, etc. I'm still going through this process, and so are most of the people here...but most of you don't really know where to begin...this will help. Anyway, love you guys. Ciao for now.

2006-02-24 [Willow Rose]: where do you get the pics for the banners?

2006-02-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::shrugs:: random place. Googling ^-^ I make sure they're not copyrighted though -.-

2006-02-24 [Willow Rose]: I've never found such awesome ones on google. *pouts* Do you still have them, without the wiki stuff on them?

2006-02-24 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha nope -.- I don't sorry ^-^' All I do is just click on "images" on google and type in something like "Wiccan Pentacle" or "Graveyard" etc. etc. and different stuff comes just can't give up ^-^ Eventually you find a diamond in the rough ^_^

2006-02-24 [Willow Rose]: It'll take me a month probably, as of late... Nothing seems to be working/turing out for me right lately. :(

2006-02-25 [Bookwyrm]: Ahah, if you're meant to find something. You will.

2006-02-25 [Pretty Pixie]: I agree.

2006-02-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::nods:: I'm gone for the night loves. It's been a hell of a long week -.-

2006-02-25 [Pretty Pixie]: well then take care

2006-02-25 [Bookwyrm]: Thanks -.- couldn't sleep...only here for a few minutes though...-.-

2006-02-26 [dark cleric]: ok

2006-03-22 [Bookwyrm]: Okay I'm probably going to start doing minor updates for a I've not updated in a while and I never finished the Sabbats. So I'll start working on them at least.

2006-03-22 [Bookwyrm]: Oh and just so everyone knows, if you're not watching The Wiccaning Updates you probably won't know what's going on in the no one but myself is watching all of the wikis pages. I add all updates there, whereas I only add the big updates here. So The Wiccaning Updates is worth "watching" :P so you can keep up with what's going on ^_^

2006-03-24 [Bookwyrm]: Guys...really. I need some ideas. For the whole site. I need some active members who actually want to help...because I'm feeling very alone in this endeavor. I don't need people writing pages for me, or writing code...that's not hard. But I also have to gather information, condense it, make sure it's correct and as safe as possible, and then come up with ideas on how to make this wiki great for the few members we do have. And I'm not getting any feedback here. I NEED FEEDBACK AND IDEAS! Please?

2006-03-24 [Bookwyrm]: I've put in so much work and just as much time into this wiki, and the only thing I'm asking for is at least a few active members who want to do something helpful and maybe even want to learn something. I know this is a big wiki and it's hard to get through all the information, but it's all very easy to get to if you know what you're looking for and if you can't find something just ask. I can give you a link as soon as I see your comment. Please, I really want this wiki to be great and I can't do it myself, I need people to advertise and send me ideas, feedback, information...etc. If nothing else the least you could do is tell a few people about this wiki.

2006-03-25 [Bookwyrm]: Something Witchy This Way Comes has been added! Please go here...there is a poll that will help decide what is added next o.o

2006-03-27 [Bookwyrm]: I need some input on Where to Shop Witchy. All I've got is Thrift Stores and Metaphysical stores and I don't have too much experience with either of them. So some information on where you guys shop would be awesome, and possibly some links to respectable online stores. Things like that. ^_^ I know that particular page doesn't look so wonderful right now...but it's still under construction.

2006-03-27 [Bookwyrm]: ::eyes widen:: At last count, The Wiccaning has 178 pages now. And we still have a lot of work to do. Out of those 178 pages 20 are unfinished, and we have several pages on the suggestion page that still need to be added. o.o Love me, love my wiki! ::grins::

2006-04-01 [Bookwyrm]: Guess what guys...all of you that aren't watching The Wiccaning Updates have missed so much that you'll never even know what I hah...You who have been watching The Wiccaning Updates all get a never-emptying jar of cookies baked by moi. ::hands out the cookie jars::

2006-04-03 [Pretty Pixie]: Hey allm sorry I haven't been on. Our computer decided to die. I won't be able to be on here for a bit more though because of a major project i have due in a week and two major classes that NEED to have the grades brought up.

2006-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: I wish you the best of fortunes [Pretty Pixie]! And thank you for thinking of us enough to give us the update ^_^ I am honoured ^_^ We'll miss you, and hope that you will come back soon ^_^

2006-04-03 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: Okay guys...there are some things about this wiki I need to fix or update...but right now I don't have time to do them. Tomorrow I should have more time, however I may all depends on how my new "Worker Witch" attitude turns out. But I will get around to fixing anything that's broken very soon I promise. Tonight I took a break and updated my own page, photo wiki, etc. Sorry for being selfish. ::hugs:: Love you guys!

2006-04-06 [HowlofDoom]: wait... where's the riddle? has it already been answered? can i still answer it? or try too anyways... as soon as i found out what it is...

2006-04-06 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: It's on my house, not here.

2006-04-06 [HowlofDoom]: oh... wow....... as i said before... i am briliant... hey i never said i was the brightest person... heh

2006-04-06 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: You're an intelligent person ::pokes::

2006-04-06 [HowlofDoom]: Really now? I am? Or was that sarcasm?

2006-04-06 [Bookwyrm]: That wasn't sarcasm o.o ::clings::

2006-04-06 [HowlofDoom]: It's hard to tell on the internet.... and how would you know if i was intelligent? i got the riddle wrong...

2006-04-06 [Bookwyrm]: So? Lots of people get the riddle wrong o.o ::huggles:: And you are an intelligent person, because I say you are. ::nods decisively::

2006-04-06 [HowlofDoom]: Oh.. ok!! :)

2006-04-11 [Pretty Pixie]: Hey all! I'm back! ^_^ Guess what?! I passed my graduation project!^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^

2006-04-11 [Bookwyrm]: Awesome!! Congratulations [Pretty Pixie]!! ::throws confetti at you and hands you a HUGE jar of cookies::

2006-04-12 [HowlofDoom]: Congrats!!!

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: Thanks [Bookwyrm] and [HowlofDoom] I am just so glad its bored.

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: You're welcome ^_^ We're glad to have you back ^_^

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: I'm glad to be back! ^_^

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: ^_^

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: :D

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: I have a lot of reading to catch up on here, don'y I?

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: Yup :P But that's alright because it may be a while before I update again. We've been trying to prepare for my mother's wedding this Sunday T_T

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: Oh, have fun. And tell her congrats!

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha T_T if I can ever slow her down enough to tell her I will :P

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: Kay! ^_^

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Ahh my head is so full right now. I'm looking at different runes (or I was) but I got caught up in reading about angels XD

2006-04-12 [Pretty Pixie]: O.oo.O okay?

2006-04-12 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha runes are fun, I'm going to try to learn some. There are some runes that represent different angelic names apparentally and I just got caught up in that. Angels are just a Christian thing you's a bit confusing but ah well.

2006-04-12 [Willow Rose]: Angels are cool to read about... I find them very interesting. Congrats [Pretty Pixie]! And congrats to your mother, [Bookwyrm]. ^^

2006-04-13 [Bookwyrm]: Indeed they are cool to read about. I was reading about Angelology, but some of it got a little mixed up in my mind...mind you it was two AM.

2006-04-13 [Willow Rose]: Yeah. It can be confusing. I actually found this website quite interesting... Just find the "Enter" picture and you can read about different angels.

2006-04-13 [Willow Rose]: I enjoyed reading about the Archangels. ^^

2006-04-13 [Bookwyrm]: ::nods:: I went to They had information on a lot of things, like the four different Choirs of angels and the 12 Orders.

2006-04-13 [Willow Rose]: awww, it says URL not found ><

2006-04-13 [Bookwyrm]: It's because it added the period I added to the end of the sentence. That's stupid -.- here it is again without the period:

2006-04-13 [Willow Rose]: Yeah I got it working ^^ I hate how links do that ><

2006-04-13 [Willow Rose]: Awwww. The Angels/Demon chart won't work for me. v.v

2006-04-13 [Bookwyrm]: I know :P Oh well ^_^ At least we got it figured out :P

2006-04-23 [Dragoness Arleeana]: hello to everyone!

2006-04-24 [Bookwyrm]: Hello! ^_^ And welcome!

2006-04-28 [Dragoness Arleeana]: Thank you very much, I hope to enjoy it here! ^_^

2006-04-28 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: I hope you do as well ^_^ I haven't updated in a while, but trust me there is plenty here for the moment. And it's not as if I never update it, it's just been a week or two. Okay I'm beating myself up here aren't I? Yes I am...sorry I'm a rambler! XD

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: yay now i get to be on this one and the one on ET

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha, yep. This one came first...which is kind of sad because it has less members.

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: well now i am here YEP CODY THE ONE AND ONLY LOVE U TRACI "hugs" hehehe ur AWSOME u ropck me socks lmfao

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha ::hugs back:: Awww, thanks ^_^ Although you might want to edit the 'love' part...Scott might log on tomorrow and stab you. :P


2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: Agh! Caps lock! o.o I know ^_^ ::smiles:: Aww, well I like to be there for my friends. ^_^ Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! XP

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww well u know i am here for u when u need me too

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::nods:: Yup ^_^ ::grins:: And I'm glad for it too ^_^

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: "hugs" and i always will be

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: I know ^^ Just like I'll always be here/there for you.

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: i know

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ Oh I'm so tired...but I don't want to go to bed...T_T

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: I HOPE U WENT to bed ma comp locked i am sorry

2006-05-05 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha yes I did. It's alright I needed sleep.

2006-05-05 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: good

2006-05-08 [Dragoness Arleeana]: Hey, I was wondering if anyone here lives in Wisconsin?

2006-05-09 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: no i used to but i dont nemore i might be movintg to IL

2006-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: Nope. I live in Texas.

2006-05-09 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: hell i wish i lioved in texas but i got alot of ex that live in texas

2006-05-09 [Bookwyrm]: HAH! ::thinks of the song "All my Ex's live in Texas"::

2006-05-09 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: bite me traci

2006-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: Ahhh you don't want me to do that now XD ::clings to her Scott::

2006-05-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: LOL

2006-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles::

2006-05-10 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: ur so damn goofy

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